Monday, May 18, 2009

I've caught the coupon bug

and have gotten some really great deals. It's a hobby that pays for itself and what stay at home mom can resist that?! Today my best deal was at Target. I got 2 squeeze bottles of mayo, 2 bottles of Kraft salad dressing and 2 boxes of Ritz crackers for $3.04. My 6 year old daughter Bekah loves to see me use coupons and see how much I save!


Megan said...

Gotta Love those Kraft coupons this month. Any little piece of paper Jack brings to me and tells me its a coupon. He's very excited about coupons - the cashiers, sometimes not so much. Happy deal hunting. Are you doing cellfire with your cellphone. Its picking up some momentum but I don't have a cell phone to use it.

Rebekah said...

never heard of cellfire but I am going to check into it right now! Thanks Megan.

Mrs. F said...

Good for you!!!

I need to jump on the couponing bandwagon. I read and there are always tons of ideas, I am just too lazy to print and sort through coupons.