Saturday, May 17, 2008

We have a little pool

We bought it on Thursday evening and set it up on Friday. It's just a little 8 foot swimming pool but it sure takes a ton of water. I know because I started filling it twice and then decided to move it to a better spot both times! ;) Oh well, guess the third spot is the charm. The kids got a little burnt in the sun yesterday, well Sarah did(Bekah just got darker and Sam didn't stay out as long).

In other news, Sam has a fungal infection on his foot. I thought it was dry skin and was treating it by keeping it smothered in deep moisturizers and covered in socks. This did not help.


Jake and Louise McCrea said...

That looks so fun! I had so much fun in those pools when I was a kid. What a fun mom you are!!!!

herofanfamily said...

Great fun, we will be pulling out our swimming stuff soon. Our weather just needs to decide what season it is. We will probaly mostly swim at camperworld, but we have our waterslide for at home. We are so excited for it to stay warm.